
Every action you take gets us closer to our goal of a 100% renewable energy campus by 2050.

赌钱app可以微信提现实现可持续发展很简单. 你哪个app可以赌足球的那一刻, fill your water bottle at a hydration station and secure your bike at an on-campus bike rack. Bring real change to campus when you become a member of the Student Sustainability Committee (see below).

让你的学术之旅也变得“绿色”! The 可持续发展中心 works alongside faculty to develop courses and keep your skills updated. 课程探索包括:

  • 室内设计-了解 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), and the efficient lighting technologies in practice throughout campus
  • Electrical Technology — Work with renewable energies
  • Automotive Technology — Service hybrid and electric cars in theory and practice
  • 可持续农业 — Plant, tend and harvest a 2.校园里有5英亩的农场
  • Theater — Promote sustainability through prop and set design, 服装创作与节能

What will make jobs “green” are the skills you bring. New technology and fresh perspectives applied to existing trades and professions help you stand out from other applicants.

Earn a 可持续农业证书 or learn about sustainable issues in other academic classes. 赌钱app可以微信提现 offers two course options to integrate environmental concepts into your education.

1. Sustainability-themed课程

These courses either have sustainability principles woven throughout or are a dedicated unit of study regardless of the section or instructor.

Curious if your degree program includes a sustainability course? 查询课程表 或者联系你的系主任.

2. Cross-curricular Sustainability-related Course Sections

Learn about sustainability for the first time or see it from a new perspective. Sustainability-related course sections have sustainability concepts woven into the course content, from examining economic production in anthropology to exploring practical sustainability solutions in environmental science.

  • 《赌钱app可以微信提现》
  • ARCH 120:建筑导论
  • astrr 120:天文学基础
  • ASTR 122:天文学
  • 生物学版110:生命的营养
  • BIOL 121:非专业生物入门
  • 生物学报125:植物学概论
  • 生物学127:一般动物学
  • BIOL 132:公共卫生概论
  • 生物学版135:细胞原理 & 分子生物学
  • 生物学150:生物生物学
  • BIOL 235:一般营养学
  • 跨文化交际
  • 饮食151:营养和膳食计划
  • 经济学230:宏观经济学原理
  • 英语217:女性文学
  • evrn124:海洋:基本海洋学
  • evr130:环境科学
  • 环境科学实验室
  • geos140:自然地理学
  • geos141:自然地理实验室
  • geos145:世界区域地理
  • HON 250:荣誉论坛:寻求解决方案
  • HPER 104: Yoga
  • HPER 202:个人和社区健康
  • PHIL 140:商业道德
  • pol 135:国际关系
  • POLS 175:环境政策与法律
  • PSYC 220:社会心理学


These degree programs have integrated significant sustainability coursework.


Keep learning about sustainable practices by topic without earning a degree. 继续教育课程, get individualized attention from instructors in small, 熟悉的类.

Sustainable practices play many roles in our 继续教育 courses, from gardening to energy. Visit CE & Me 搜索你感兴趣的话题.

Want to impact 赌钱app可以微信提现’s next sustainability project? Make your voice heard by joining the 学生可持续发展委员会(SSC) and have a voice in the allocation of the Sustainability Initiatives Fund.

The Sustainability Initiatives Fund is supported by a $1-per-credit-hour fee that advances 赌钱app可以微信提现 toward a more sustainable campus.

In 2009, a student-led team of 赌钱app可以微信提现 Honors students lobbied the president and the Board of Trustees and petitioned their peers to approve the Sustainability Initiatives Fund. Over 1,500 signatures were collected leading to projects like irrigation improvement at Open Petal Farm and a solar EV parking canopy. 委员会的努力于2021年得到注意, when the American College Personnel Association (ACPA) awarded them a 可持续发展冠军奖.


Save your seat during the spring semester for the following academic year. If you are interested in serving on the SSC, contact the 可持续发展中心, Sustainability Education and Engagement Coordinator.

SSC Projects

Check out the projects and initiatives that were made possible by the Student Sustainability Committee and the Sustainability Initiatives Fund at 赌钱app可以微信提现.

Fall 2021


Do you have an idea, small or large, to help make 赌钱app可以微信提现 more sustainable? Or are you working on a project that complements our sustainability focus? 你的想法可能有资格获得资助. Apply soon!

Leave a lasting impact on campus and the student body by taking part in 赌钱app可以微信提现’s Sustainability Idea Contest.

建设健康校园. 支持更安全和气候友好型服务. Embrace lifestyle change that enrich sustainable portfolios.

Submit a proposal outlining your ideas for creating a more sustainable campus. 你可以包括交通费, 能源效率, upcycling, waste management and other sustainability-related efforts.


  • 执行能力
  • 对校园有好处
  • 研究的深度和提案的细节
  • 可持续性的影响
  • Reach of impact

Submissions should also address the estimated project budget, 包括成本节约, 环境影响, awareness raised and any other financial information necessary to plan for the implementation.

提交提案和支持材料至 sustainability@shichengjigou.net by April 30.

Questions? 拨打913-469-8500,分机. 2883.